United Way of North Central New Mexico Offering Ride United in Santa Fe County

United Way of North Central New Mexico (UWNCNM) is now providing free transportation for those who need to get to a doctor’s appointment, a job interview, a child’s school function, and more. Ride United is a new service in Santa Fe County that provides rides that are arranged through Lyft.
Residents without access to a vehicle or public transportation can request a ride by calling 211. These rides can be used for any need related to health, food, shelter/housing, employment, education, legal services and more.
“Having transportation can make a real difference to an individual seeking employment, a parent needing to take a child to school, or someone who needs medical care,” said Rodney Prunty, President and CEO of United Way of North Central New Mexico. “We are grateful for grants from United Way Worldwide and Molina Healthcare to initiate the program.”

By calling 211 or (505) 245-1735 for Google voice users, riders who have a smart phone and Lyft app can receive a credit towards rides. Those without a smart phone can dial 211 to have rides scheduled for them. Community nonprofits and agencies within the CONNECT network in Santa Fe can refer clients through the Unite Us portal.
No documentation is needed to request a ride. There are a few minimal eligibility requirements:
- Must be over the age of 18
- Must be resident of Santa Fe County (Rides must begin in Santa Fe but can take the rider outside county lines.)
- Need transportation due to an eligible reason listed above
- Participants must request rides at least 2 business days before the needed scheduled time of pick up (Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)