Legislative Recap Returns to HPS Events

On April 12, 2023, The Hispano Philanthropic Society (HPS), a donor group of United Way of North Central New Mexico returned to hosting its annual Legislative Recap in person! This event took place in Hotel Albuquerque’s Alvarado Ballroom.
In this panel discussion, attendees learned about the recent NM State Legislative Session from our states top leaders. Panelists included New Mexico’s Speaker of the House, Representative Javier Martinez, Representative Joshua Hernandez, and Amanda Aragon, Founder and Executive Director of NewMexicoKidsCAN. HPS Council’s very own Jade Rivera moderated this discussion surrounding family stability and education.

Topics of conversation included the progress being made in our state surrounding education, the ability of our representatives to work in a bipartisan manner to deliver results, and a look to the future for our state and our representatives.
Panelist Amanda Aragon, who also serves on the HPS Council, stated “The Legislative Recap is one of the Hispano Philanthropic Society’s signature events and we were thrilled to bring it back in person. It is essential that all New Mexicans understand what our lawmakers do during the legislative session. This event allows our members to engage in conversation and hold our elected officials accountable for the decisions made in Santa Fe. This dialogue is essential for the progress of Hispanics in New Mexico and we look forward to continuing to grow this event well into the future.”
Our events are made possible by our event sponsors (Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque Journal, Bernalillo County), council members, members, and donors – thank you! HPS promotes Hispanic leadership by recognizing, engaging, and developing Hispanics to create positive generational impact in our community. Learn more about our work on the HPS webpage.