Young Leaders Society Speaker Series

The Young Leaders Society (YLS) is embarking on an exciting new journey with the launch of its Speaker Series.
HPS Council Highlights for Hispanic Heritage Month 2023

HPS Council Highlights for Hispanic Heritage Month 2023 National Hispanic Heritage Month is annually celebrated from September 15 to October 15 in the United States! We observe National Hispanic Heritage Month by celebrating the histories, cultures, and positive contributions of people from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. Join HPS as we […]
Exploring Healthcare Careers and Savoring the Flavors of New Mexico

Empowering Youth as Healthcare Professionals Exploring Healthcare Careers and Savoring the Flavors of New Mexico You may wonder what a Student Healthcare Career Expedition has to do with authentic New Mexico Chile. Well, both events will be happening in conjunction with the Dia de Salud y Matanza Health Fair located at the National Hispanic Cultural Center […]
Ball Field of Hope’s Youth Volunteers received a VIP Experience with UMPS Care and Isotopes

Uniting Dreams: Ball Field of Hope Youth Volunteers Embark on an Unforgettable VIP Journey with Global Umpires
A Decade of CH Mechanical: Building Communities and Nurturing Growth

At the heart of CH Mechanical lies a deep-seated commitment to social responsibility.
Rising Together Uplifts College and Career Readiness

United Way’s June 2023 convening of Systems Change through College and Career Readiness.
United Way Shared Purpose Efforts in New Mexico

Shared Purpose Efforts in central New Mexico The United Way of North Central New Mexico (UWNCNM) has a long tradition of partnering with local businesses to improve the lives of those in need throughout the communities we serve. By combining forces with others, we can amplify our ability to move the needle in a positive […]
Grand Opening of Ball Field of Hope

Grand Opening of Ball Field of Hope Kids enjoying a wiffle ball game. “A Safe Place to play ball”, that is what motivated the Ball Field of Hope. Early April of 2023 the Choose Your Own Future challenge officially inaugurated the Ball Field of Hope. The grand opening of this field brought closure to the first […]
Laundry Love’s Lasting Impact in New Mexico

Laundry Love: Building Community and Empowering Lives Laundry Love is an incredible community initiative that brings together individuals, organizations, and volunteers to provide free laundry services to those in need. Support Laundry Love Laundry Love is not just about laundry services; it’s about empowering individuals and connecting them with other resources. Laundry Love has become […]
UWNCNM Campaign Celebration Recap

UWNCNM Campaign Celebration Recap In April of 2023, we were pleased to host the UWNCNM Campaign Celebration, an annual event when we honor the accomplishments and contributions our corporate partners have made. Here is a list of all the awardees and pictures from the event. Photos by Liz Lopez Shared Purpose Partners Shared Purpose Corporate […]