Types of Awards


Basic Needs

Capacity Building


Support the work of programs that align with UWNCNM’s Impact Priorities

Provide short-term limited support to the most vulnerable individuals and families.  Measured in output versus outcomes.

One-time projects to improve agency’s effectiveness and help it carry out its mission more effectively.

Award Period

Three years (contingent on UWNCNM funds)

One year

One year

Award Limit

$25,000 for agencies with an annual budget under $100,000; $50,000 for agencies with an annual budget over $100,000

$25,000 for agencies with an annual budget under $100,000; $50,000 for agencies with an annual budget over $100,000



Agencies must wait 1 grant cycle (1 year) after the three-year award period to re-apply

Agencies may re-apply each year

Agencies must wait 2 grant cycles (2 years) to re-apply after award

Funding Type

General Operating Dollars

General Operating Dollars

Project Specific

Agencies may apply for Impact OR Basic Needs

Agencies may apply for Capacity alone or in addition to Impact or Basic Needs


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